TSX component typing does not include PublicProps attributes
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s-elo commented
when using tsx, there is no intrinsic typing for class
, style
which are included in DefineComponent
may be we can add these typing at TSX
, instead of extends them at each component's Props interface?
import type { PublicProps } from 'vue';
export declare function TSX<Properties extends {} = {}, Events extends {} = {}>(): <C extends VueCons<{}>>(cons: C) => new () => Omit<ComponentPublicInstance<InstanceType<C>["$props"] & Properties & { [index in keyof Events as `on${Capitalize<index & string>}`]: Events[index] extends Function ? Events[index] : (param: Events[index]) => any; }>, keyof Properties | keyof { [index in keyof Events as `on${Capitalize<index & string>}`]: Events[index] extends Function ? Events[index] : (param: Events[index]) => any; }> & InstanceType<C>
// add extra attributes
& { $props?: PublicProps };