Open:FactSet Marketplace API Client
Headless CMS API used by the Open:FactSet Marketplace.
- API version: v2.1.5
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.ofm.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
Installation & Usage
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import ofm_client
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import ofm_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic
configuration = ofm_client.v2.Configuration()
configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = ofm_client.v2.AttributesApi(ofm_client.v2.ApiClient(configuration))
limit = 10 # int | Limit the amount of records per page (optional) (default to 10)
page = 1 # int | Select which page to show (optional) (default to 1)
# Retrieve a collection of Attribute records.
api_response = api_instance.attributes_get(limit=limit, page=page)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AttributesApi->attributes_get: %s\n" % e)
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AttributesApi | attributes_get | GET /attributes | Retrieve a collection of Attribute records. |
AttributesApi | attributes_id_get | GET /attributes/{id} | Retrieve a collection of Attribute records. |
AttributesApi | attributes_search_post | POST /attributes/search | Retrieve a collection of Attribute records. |
AttributesGroupsApi | attributes_groups_get | GET /attributes/groups | Retrieve a collection of Attributes Group records. |
AttributesGroupsApi | attributes_groups_id_get | GET /attributes/groups/{id} | Retrieve a specific Attributes Group record. |
AttributesGroupsApi | attributes_groups_search_post | POST /attributes/groups/search | Retrieve a collection of Attributes Group records. |
AttributesGroupsApi | attributes_groups_used_get | GET /attributes/groups/used | Retrieve a collection of Attributes Group records in use. |
MediaApi | media_download_namespace_scope_guid_file_name_get | GET /media/download/{namespace}/{scope}/{guid}/{fileName} | Retrieve a specific media file |
MediaApi | media_download_namespace_scope_guid_file_name_head | HEAD /media/download/{namespace}/{scope}/{guid}/{fileName} | Check the existence and retrieve the headers of a spefic media file |
PartnersApi | partners_get | GET /partners | Retrieve a collection of Partner records. |
PartnersApi | partners_id_get | GET /partners/{id} | Retrieve a specific Partner record. |
PartnersApi | partners_search_post | POST /partners/search | Retrieve a collection of Partner records. |
ProductsApi | products_get | GET /products | Retrieve a collection of Product records. |
ProductsApi | products_id_get | GET /products/{id} | Retrieve a specific Product record. |
ProductsApi | products_search_post | POST /products/search | Retrieve a collection of Product records. |
ProductsApi | products_types_get | GET /products/types | Retrieve a collection of the available Product Types along with the number of published products per type. |
ResourcesApi | resources_get | GET /resources | Retrieve a collection of Resource records. |
ResourcesApi | resources_id_get | GET /resources/{id} | Retrieve a specific Resource record. |
ResourcesApi | resources_search_post | POST /resources/search | Retrieve a collection of Resource records. |
ResourcesSectionsApi | resources_sections_get | GET /resources/sections | Retrieve a collection of Resources Section records. |
ResourcesSectionsApi | resources_sections_id_get | GET /resources/sections/{id} | Retrieve a specific Resources Section record. |
ResourcesSectionsApi | resources_sections_search_post | POST /resources/sections/search | Retrieve a collection of Resources Section records. |
Documentation For Models
- Document
- DocumentSection
- GetAttributeDto
- GetAttributesGroupDto
- GetAttributesGroupDtoAttributes
- GetPartnerDto
- GetPartnerDtoForumTags
- GetPartnerDtoSeoMeta
- GetPartnerDtoSocialMedia
- GetPartnerDtoVersionSchema
- GetProductDto
- GetProductDtoAttributes
- GetProductDtoAttributesGroups
- GetProductDtoColumns
- GetProductDtoCoverageTable
- GetProductDtoHighlight
- GetProductDtoPartner
- GetProductDtoPartnerSocialMedia
- GetProductDtoPreviewLink
- GetProductDtoRelatedProducts
- GetProductDtoSeoMeta
- GetProductDtoThirdPartyUrls
- GetProductDtoVersionSchema
- GetResourceDto
- GetResourcesSectionDto
- GetResourcesSectionDtoMeta
- InlineResponse200
- Marking
- PostAttributeSearchDto
- PostAttributesGroupSearchDto
- PostPartnerSearchDto
- PostProductSearchDto
- PostResourceSearchDto
- PostResourcesSectionSearchDto
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: HTTP basic authentication.
FactSet Research Systems Inc. provides access to Analytics and content through RESTful APIs. To ensure the integrity and confidentiality of this data, FactSet leverages API Keys using Basic HTTP Authentication Scheme described in RFC 7617.
Username: Register with FactSet to obtain FactSet Username and Serial.
Password: Generate the API key using the Developer Portal.
Example: Connect with HTTP basic authentication with username-serial as username and API key as the password.
configuration.username = 'USERNAME-SERIAL'
configuration.password = 'API-KEY'