
Why no demo on how to list the documented API or to borrow your terminology, PintBlueprint

Havanero opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

Since restplus is dead, I'm looking for ways to migrate from flask to quart and something similar to restplus... but unfortunately i cannot follow your framework on listing the APIS once we have:

  1. declare the endpoints for PintBlueprint (restplus namespace)
  2. register this with Pint (quart app)
  3. point to prefix /api/v1

on point 3 I would expect the listing openapi docs

If you look at the unit tests you can see examples using blueprints and retrieving the openapi docs (https://github.com/factset/quart-openapi/blob/master/tests/test_blueprints.py#L93)

It does make sense to add some examples to the docs that have this, but is looking at the unit tests sufficient to get you going for the time being?

Gonna close this issue for now, feel free to reopen it if necessary @Havanero