Update Material Citation display
nleanba opened this issue · 9 comments
(See https://github.com/plazi/names_LOD/issues/133):
- Links to GBIF
- Reformat additional info as to include GBIF-IDs and httpUri
- (This potentially requires changes to the SPARQL-Query)
(See plazi/treatments-xml#11):
- Proper links to the citation (only for matCits with UUID in RDF)
- Mark / Emphasize Holotype
- Change clunky hover-mechanism to something easier and more discoverable
- For Treatments with a lot of matCits, it's very hard to read (confusing and cluttered) → Maybe sorting and grouping by Collection; and/or better separation between the entries
Show only the amount of material citations under each treatment, with a button (1) to expand it. The expanded sheet floats above the content and does not push the following treatments down.
In it, each material citation gets a row as follows: (from left to right)
- (2) A letter indicating the type (holotype, paratype, ...). Full name is shown in a tooltip on hover. The Material citations are sorted to put the holotype first.
- The collection and the specimen codes, and after some space the date (year only)
- (3) An info button, which on hover or click reveals a tooltip similar to the current one, but cleaned up to not show redundant info and without all the quotation marks
- (4) & (5) Links to the GBIF specimen and occurrence (if available)
- (not shown) if the httpUri is not the gbif occurence uri, a link to it
- (5) A link to the material citation on the treatment page (if available)
@retog @myrmoteras opinions?
Just something minor: Instead of "Cited Materials (3)" say "3 Cited Materials", or even more understandable for my lay ears "3 specimens referenced".
@retog @myrmoteras opinions?
note: clicking anywhere on the label “X specimens referenced” opens the popup. Making the whole text look like a button (with background etc. looked way too visually heavy and distracting)
Unless either of you has some remaining issues or suggestions for this display, I consider this done and will close this issue.
I would use "material citation" since this is the term we coined for a reference of one or multiple specimens used in an analysis, which is used this way in TDWG DWC https://dwc.tdwg.org/terms/#materialcitation and also in the GBIF data model https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/search?basis_of_record=MATERIAL_CITATION&occurrence_status=present basisOfRecord
@tcatapano terminology to be discussed?!
should we change "GBIF occurrence ID" to "GBIF material citation"?
The name is taken from the attribute ID-GBIF-Occurrence which is distinct from ID-GBIF-specimen. Whatever brings more clarity helps, but we should then make sure that the new terms are used consistently.