
jupynotex does not work with MacOS

gro1729 opened this issue · 3 comments

I get the error: (with Python3.9, 3.10, 3.11)

/jupynotex.py", line 44, in _validator_positive_int
value = int(value)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

What I am doing wrong?

Currently it does also not work with windows. Some configuration parameters probably are missing.
Another question: Is it possible to write the ,,generated' TeX-Code into an additional file? That would be great, in order to be able to customize according to my needs. (Markdown-Cells are not handled. Right?)

Hello @gro1729, thanks for trying the project!

Sorry for the ValueError you mentioned in the first post. I just fixed it.

Regarding Windows, we have unittests that run also in that platform, maybe we have a bug not covered there? Which is the problem you're seeing?

Regarding sending the tex code to another file... why you need that? you expect to indicate the file somehow when calling \jupynotex in your .tex doc?

Thanks again!
