Useful JavaScript functions
- Made in OS: Windows 7
- Tested in Browser: Firefox 21+, Chrome 29+, IE 9, Opera 12.16, Safari 5.1.7 (Windows)
- Language Used: JavaScript
- License: BSD 3-Clause License
date2iso - Format date DD/MM/YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD
Input: date - String | Eg.: 15/10/2013
Output: Eg.: 2013-10-15
formatInt - Format numbers to any digit
Input: num - Int, len - Int | Eg.: 15, 4
Output: Eg.: 0015
iso2date - Format date YYYY-MM-DD to DD/MM/YYYY
Input: iso - String | Eg.: 2013-10-15
Output: Eg.: 15/10/2013
jsonDownload - Download JSON via Blob
Input: json - , option - Int or String | Eg.: {"foo":"lorem","bar":"ipsum"}, 2
Output: Eg.: blob:db89aec3-19a1-44b1-87fe-a7bd114c8460
Dependence: jsonFormatter
jsonFormatter - Format JSON
Input: json - , option - Int or String | Eg.: {"foo":"lorem","bar":"ipsum"}, 2
Output: Eg.: {
"foo": "lorem",
"bar": "ipsum"
string2float - Convert String Array to Float Array
Input: value - Array | Eg.:
Output: Eg.:
todayDate - Grab the actual day in DD/MM/YYYY format
Output: Eg.: 15/10/2013
Dependence: formatInt
todayISO - Grab the actual day in ISO 8601 format
Output: Eg.: 2013-10-15
Dependence: formatInt
todaytsISO - Grab the actual timestamp in ISO 8601 format
Output: Eg.: 2013-10-15 11:15
Dependence: formatInt
tsISO2tsDate - Format timestamp YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS to DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS
Input: date - String | Eg.: 2013-10-15 11:15
Output: Eg.: 15/10/2013 11:15
Dependence: iso2date
tw2date - Convert a Twitter API 1.1 Timestamp to ISO 8601 format
Input: date - String | Eg.: Mon Oct 14 15:35:22 +0000 2013
Output: Eg.: 2013-10-14 15:35:22
Dependence: formatInt
- formatting - How can I format an integer to a specific length in javascript? - Stack Overflow
- javascript - Browser/HTML Force download of image from src="data:image/jpeg;base64..." - Stack Overflow
- html - Filename of downloaded file in data:Application/octet-stream; - Stack Overflow
- Don't Build Blobs, Construct Them - HTML5Rocks Updates
- unix - How to pretty-print JSON from the command line? - Stack Overflow
- jquery - How can JavaScript save to a local file? - Stack Overflow
- window.btoa - Web API reference | MDN
- Open/Save local (JSON) file from JavaScript >> IE/Firefox - Stack Overflow
- Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc - Blob URLs
- Blob - Web API reference | MDN