Just an adding
plegrand1 opened this issue · 0 comments
plegrand1 commented
I'm not a developper then may be what i done is wrong but i made this modifications
# XXX must be equal to number of CPU cores: '...{ printf("%-4s %-s\n", $9 / XXX, $NF); }...'
cpu_core=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i "^processor" | wc -l)
top=$(top -o "%CPU" -bn 1 | head -n 14 | tail -n 7 | awk '{ printf("%-4s %-s\n", $9 / $cpu_core, $NF); }' | awk 1 ORS="\\\n")
echo "<span color='$text_muted'>CPU ($cpu_core)</span>\t$CPU% | iconName=utilities-system-monitor"
I dont know if it's good