
NewHashedTimeWheel not exist

Closed this issue · 7 comments

NewHashedTimeWheel func is not exist?

The lastest commit is change timer wheel implemention, use goetty.NewTimeoutWheel to instead

if you are use goetty pkg, please use vendor or godep to manager your dependences

after change to NewTimeoutWheel,then err below

`$ go build cmd/proxy/proxy.go


pkg\model\ruletable.go:95: cannot use time.Second (type time.Duration) as type goetty.Option in argument to goetty.NewTimeoutWheel
pkg\model\ruletable.go:95: cannot use 60 (type int) as type goetty.Option in argument to goetty.NewTimeoutWheel
pkg\model\ruletable.go:95: cannot use 3 (type int) as type goetty.Option in argument to goetty.NewTimeoutWheel
pkg\model\ruletable.go:513: undefined: goetty.HashedTimeWheel
pkg\model\ruletable.go:711: r.tw.Cancel undefined (type *goetty.TimeoutWheel has no field or method Cancel)
pkg\model\ruletable.go:732: r.tw.AddWithID undefined (type *goetty.TimeoutWheel has no field or method AddWithID)`

I think the gateway and goetty should both have a stable version to use. otherwise, you can mark something to tell others about this staff. It would help a lot. Thanks for reply!

The fagongzi/gateway project has its's own goetty pkg under the vendor folder. Are you put the gateway project under the $GOPATH/src/github.com/fagongzi/gateway folder?

I found the gateway project's vendor folder are not contains the goetty pkg, it's a bug.

Year, Just wanna say that~
