
Import file issue

Hamza-Brainplow opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, i'm importing the FAPanels but it is showing an error that no such module. I have properly installed the pods but it is showing such issue.
Second one i want to ask that in my centerVC how can i open LeftFAPanel in click of button and same with other View controllers just on click of a button?
It would be more better if u have a video tutorial also.

I have place a tab bar as my centralVC it open the first tab bar item but doesn't show tab bar at the bottom. I have also tried to open the leftVC from another View Controller by configuring the panel and write a code panel?.openLeft(animated: true) in my button action but it isn't open the leftvc on click?



i'm importing the FAPanels but it is showing an error that no such module. I have properly installed the pods but it is showing such issue.

If you have installed the pods correctly and imported in the file you are using FAPanels, then just try to build the project with Command + b because some times the newly installed pods are in Red color under Pods in your workspace. Just give it a try and let me know in case you face issue again.


Second one i want to ask that in my centerVC how can i open LeftFAPanel in click of button and same with other View controllers just on click of a button?
It would be more better if u have a video tutorial also.

Please read this https://github.com/fahidattique55/FAPanels#openclose-panels


Please share the code snippets so that I can look into details of it. For some work around please see #1 to understand the working of FAPanels with Tab bar controllers.

Hi, thanks for ur response bro, i have tried your code for opening the Left FAPanel on click of a button. This is my second view controller in which i'm trying to open it but nothing is happening on click of button. This is my viewDidLoad method,
override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = true
panel?.configs = FAPanelConfigurations()
This is my button action,@IBAction func Menu(_ sender: Any) {
panel?.openLeft(animated: true)
Its not working.


There are two possibilities,


Either the leftPanelVC is nil


Or the panel you are trying to get for using openLeft(animated: true) is nil


Are you able to diagnose the problem ?

Closing issue as not activity response from @Hamza-Brainplow