Resource handler returned message: "Too Many Requests (Service: ApiGateway, Status Code: 429, Request ID: <omitted>, Extended Request ID: null)
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Keep getting this 429 error when trying to deploy aws api gateway models documentation. If I remove the models, the deployment is successful. If I add the models (46 total), I always get the error :(
Is there a way to configure serverless or the documentation plugin to handle this? Maybe there is a limit I can increase in AWS?
Operating System: darwin
Node Version: 14.4.0
Framework Version: 2.51.0 (local)
Plugin Version: 5.4.3
SDK Version: 4.2.3
Components Version: 3.13.2
serverless-aws-apigateway-documentation: 1.1.7
Serverless Error ----------------------------------------
ServerlessError: An error occurred: UsersNotesResponseModel - Resource handler returned message: "Too Many Requests (Service: ApiGateway, Status Code: 429, Request ID: <omitted>, Extended Request ID: null)" (RequestToken: <omitted>, HandlerErrorCode: InternalFailure).
at ../node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/aws/lib/monitorStack.js:129:23
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
at async AwsDeploy.update (../node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/aws/lib/updateStack.js:144:5)
Same problem here.
I have personally submitted two identical tickets to my AWS support channel about this exact issue and both times they have accepted that it's broken, suggested a "workaround" that would completely refactor the deployment mechanism and then closed the tickets due to inactivity. It's been broken for 3+ years. The underlying issue is that Cloudformation sends ALL model requests to API Gateway at the same time and it has no fallback and retry logic when it gets a 429. CF does rate limiting for every other service that it creates, but apparently not API Gateway models.
I did get them to tell me that the rate is 10/s with a bucket of 40. So if you have more than 40 models, expect this to fail at some point.
The workaround I used for this was to add another plugin - serverless-plugin-split-stacks.
All of the model files are placed in a models
directory under the project root, and split by subdirectory according to the type of model. For example, Employee
models would be under models/employee
. I then refer to these files from the documentation config:
- name: EmployeeContactHome
description: Home Contact Details of An Employee
contentType: "application/json"
schema: ${file(models/employee/EmployeeContactHome.v1.yaml)}
Then I use the following stacks-map.js
to define stacks for the models of each resource type:
const fs = require('fs')
const modelPath = 'models'
* Lists nodes in a directory, optionally include files or directories
* @param {*} path
* @param {*} dirs
* @param {*} files
* @returns
const listNodes = (path, dirs = false, files = true) => {
path = fs.realpathSync(path)
return fs.readdirSync(
{ withFileTypes: true}
(node) => {
if (dirs && node.isDirectory()) {
return true
if (files && !node.isDirectory()) {
return true
return false
(node) => {
* Map model files (in the modelPath directory) to stack names based on their directory path
* @param {*} path
* @param {*} map
const mapModelFilesToStacks = (path, map) => {
const files = listNodes(path, false, true).map(
(file) => {
return file.replace(/\..+$/, '') + 'Model'
if (files.length > 0) {
stackName = 'API' + path.split(/[\/-]/).map(
(part) => {
return part.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + part.slice(1)
for (const file of files) {
map[file] = stackName
const dirs = listNodes(path, true, false).map((dir) => {
return path + '/' + dir
for (const dir of dirs) {
mapModelFilesToStacks(dir, map)
const modelFileStackMap = {}
mapModelFilesToStacks(modelPath, modelFileStackMap)
* This is run for every resource in the CloudFormation template that Serverless
* generates. It can be used to direct individual resources to different nested
* CloudFormation stacks
* @param {*} resource The resource object itself
* @param {*} logicalId The key of the resource in the CloudFormation stack
* @returns
module.exports = (resource, logicalId) => {
// A model's resource id should match one of the mapped model file to stack keys
if (logicalId in modelFileStackMap) {
// Set the resource's stack based on the mapped stack
return {destination: modelFileStackMap[logicalId]}
In my serverless.yml, my splitStacks configuration is like so:
perFunction: false
perType: false
perGroupFunction: false
# This limits concurrency of stack deployment to the given value. Note that
# turning this on can lead to resource dependency conflicts in the generated
# CloudFormation templates.
stackConcurrency: 2
The end result is a stack with all of my base resources, and extra stacks for the models for each resource type.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for your post. We also use split stacks and put models into their own stack, and I hadn't thought about splitting them up into sub-directories so that each subdirectory was it's own split stack. I'll check the upper limit on how many substacks I can have in a stack, but that might very well be an easy way to refactor in place to solve this.