Try to read from inet before bindwait is over
MegaV0lt opened this issue · 2 comments
MegaV0lt commented
2022/08/16 15:03:11 00000000 s (files) libcurl: (6) Could not resolve host: ###
2022/08/16 15:03:11 00000000 s (-) -- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines --
2022/08/16 15:03:11 00000000 s (files) libcurl: (6) Could not resolve host: ###
2022/08/16 15:03:11 00000000 s (config) ncam.fs read lines: C:0 N:0 L:0 R:0
After systemrestart and ncamstart the ncam does not respect the setting "BindWait" so it can not acceess the web...
Edit: I think ncam should ait for webaccess at least the bindwait time or a fixed time or until it detects that the network is up.
Also it should retry afte a certain amount of time iw inet access fails
fairbird commented
No problem here with me ...
Maybe you have some issues in your software what you are using ...
MegaV0lt commented
I use Debian 11.4
I changed the systemd service so the oscam only starts after network-online