
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Example projects that that makes use of the omnipy package for type-driven, scalable and interoperable data wrangling!

Main installation instructions

  • Install:
    • pip install omnipy-examples
  • Run example scripts:
    • Example: omnipy-examples isajson
    • For help on the command line interface: omnipy-examples --help
    • For help on a particular example: omnipy-examples isajson --help

Output of flow runs

The output will by default appear in the data directory, with a timestamp.

  • It is recommended to install a file viewer that are capable of browsing tar.gz files. For instance, the "File Expander" plugin in PyCharm is excellent for this.
  • To unpack the compressed files of a run on the command line (just make sure to replace the datetime string from this example):
for f in $(ls data/2023_02_03-12_51_51/*.tar.gz); do mkdir ${f%.tar.gz}; tar xfzv $f -C ${f%.tar.gz}; done

Run with the Prefect engine

Omnipy is integrated with the powerful Prefect data flow orchestration library.

  • To run an local example using the prefect engine, e.g.:
    • omnipy-examples --engine prefect isajson
  • After completion of some runs, you can check the flow logs and orchestration options in the Prefect UI:
    • prefect server start

To set up a kubernetes-based deployment on our NIRD test setup, run e.g.:

  • prefect config set PREFECT_API_URL=https://prefect.fairtracks.sigma2.no/api
  • prefect deploy -n isajson

The configuration of this job is found in the file prefect.yaml.

More info on Prefect configuration will come soon...

Development setup

  • Install Poetry:

    • curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
  • Install dependencies:

    • poetry install --with dev
  • Update all dependencies:

    • poetry update
  • Update single dependency, e.g.:

    • poetry update omnipy
  • If a dependency is not updated to the latest version available on Pypi, you might need to clear the pip cache of poetry:

    • poetry cache clear pypi --all

For mypy support in PyCharm

  • In PyCharm, install "Mypy" plugin (not "Mypy (Official)")
    • which mypy to get path to mypy binary
    • In the PyCharm settings for the mypy plugin:
      • Select the mypy binary
      • Select pyproject.toml as the mypy config file

For automatic formatting and linting

I have added my typical setup for automatic formatting and linting. The main alternative is to use black, which is easier to set up, but it does not have as many options. I am not fully happy with my config, but I at least like it better than black.

  • In PyCharm -> File Watchers:
    • Click arrow down icon
    • Select watchers.xml