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你好 我用fairy-stockfish-tools-largeboard_x86-64-modern.exe 训练几分钟就崩溃了 命令行输入generate_training_data depth 10 count 1000000 keep_draws 1 eval_limit 32000 win10系统 线程设置为4 哈希值设置为512mb 试了几次都是崩溃 请问这是怎么回事?

Is generate_training_data depth 10 count 1000000 keep_draws 1 eval_limit 32000 the complete command you used? If so that won't work, because at least the data_format bin is missing, also see the example at https://github.com/ianfab/variant-nnue-pytorch/wiki/Training-data-generation#example. Otherwise please provide the entire sequence of commands you use.

Hello setting name using NNUE values "true" and "pure"? Does using "true" allow both classical and NNUE calculations? Are hybrid calculations better than pure NUE calculations?