
Upgrade to 5.5

PlasmaDev5 opened this issue · 5 comments

Are there plans to upgrade to CE 5.5, if so is there any public timeframe this can be expected.

I have tried to compile the framework in CE 5.5 preview 1, and fixed most of the errors. However, some API are disappeared, such as Global.gEnv.pRenderer.SetScissor/ Global.gEnv.pRenderer.SetState, and I cant find any API replacement to implement the same function. Since the engine of this version is still in preview status, let's wait and see if there are any changes later.

from what i gathered talking to the CE guys on discord the future previews are mostly just bug fixes rather then features or api changes. chances are you can find where the code went by checking the history of the source in GitHub or asking on discord.

Until there is a 5.5 update ill have to run my game without UI but im looking forward to seeing a version released

I have checked the history but with no vain. I submitted a issue and wish someone could help me. If you can talk to the CE guys, help will be very much appreciated.

The api support well in c++,not c#.

Render on UI Panel not working in 5.5