
Any Plans for a C++ version

PlasmaDev5 opened this issue · 8 comments

Currently i use FairyGUI in my Cryengine game but due to this i am having to run a C++ project for the game and then a C# project for UI, ideally id like to have everything in C++ as an option.

I also noticed that the FairyGUI editor exports C++ classes when you do a code export using the Cryengine project type. although this code is not usable as it refers to FairyGUI.h that i cant find anywhere.

FairyGUI has C++ SDK for cocos2dx and havok vision. It' practical to create a C++ version SDK for CE. However, as there are too few people using FairyGUI-cryengine currently , I'll put it low priority.

In fact, I'll try writing for a C++ version. I want to complete this before 5.6 release.

I know many people have been waiting for a C++ version because with CE we are currently stuck with scaleform when using C++ and many people are looking for alternatives

any update on the state of C++ version or is it still low priority

@dragonCASTjosh Not started. Plan to start in May, but still depends on my free time.

@Tonyangl Great!I‘ll try to do it too.

Any updates on this issue?

Are there any updates to this?