
RAM type enum is incomplete

Opened this issue · 3 comments

RAM type enum is missing HBM2/GDDR6/GDDR6X entries at

public enum GPUMemoryType : uint

You can look at the ones I took from GPU-Z here: https://github.com/JustAMan/pynvraw/blob/498591713adcfbdf7aae1a348c1af76513ef9a43/src/pynvraw/nvapi_api.py#L735-L749
(copied down below for easier reading)

class RamType(enum.IntEnum):
    Unknown = 0
    SDRAM = 1
    DDR1 = 2
    DDR2 = 3
    GDDR2 = 4
    GDDR3 = 5
    GDDR4 = 6
    DDR3 = 7
    GDDR5 = 8
    DDR2_alt = 9
    GDDR5X = 10
    HBM2 = 12
    GDDR6 = 14
    GDDR6X = 15

Well, it is correct, it is just that the HBM2, GDDR6, GDDR6X are missing probably due to the fact that at the time of porting this library these values were not in use.

If it is about the DDR2_alt, I suppose 9 is not actually DDR2 but rather LPDDR2 which is a low power memory module with DDR2 speeds.

Thanks for reporting this, I will keep this issue open till I add these new values to the enum. 👍

If it is about the DDR2_alt, I suppose 9 is not actually DDR2 but rather LPDDR2 which is a low power memory module with DDR2 speeds.

I've already fixed that in my code to your version 🙃 it's just GPU-Z reports both as just DDR2.