
Convert frequency from kHz to mHz

OudomMunint opened this issue · 4 comments

How do I convert frequency from kHz to mHz, I'm getting clockspeeds for gpu core and vram but they are printed in kHz and I can't divide them by 1000

please post a sample code. and why cant you divide them by 1k? I don't understand that part.

@falahati it my bad,
I tried to do Console.WriteLine("Core Clock: {0}", gpu.BoostClockFrequencies.GraphicsClock.Frequency) / 1000 or something to that extent.
It got around it by doing:
var graphicsClockKHz = gpu.BoostClockFrequencies.GraphicsClock.Frequency;
var graphicsClockMHz = graphicsClockKHz / 1000;
Console.WriteLine("GPU Core Speed: {0} MHz", graphicsClockMHz);

On a side note is there a flag to detect if GPU is integrated or dedicated? It used to be simple but since Intel now has dedicated gpus and amd has integrated GPUs it's gotten quite tricky

Yes, PhysicalGPU.GPUType == GPUType.Discret

@falahati Thanks I'm able to use it to filter GPUs. Thanks!