
Clean up postgresql startup

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The pgsql doesn't initialized correctly and you never write error recovery handler for pgsql after docker container restart.
Also docker is no-daemon design. Please stop using init.d/systemd even it is working....


Before all:

Please accept my apology. There're some misunderstand here. So sorry for that.

According to Docker Official Reference

  • If you need to handle the shutdown action for container, you must ensure the entrypoint.sh can handle the signal. In the issue which was closed and opened by me, I mistakenly take the error recovery responsibility to the script. **However, after some tests, I found it could be handled in pgsql itself properly. Just will cost a little time(some seconds). ** You could still optimize it.

According to the log of the container I run for test

  • The "error recovery handler" feature request is a mistake I made. All of this is a bug of initdb.

About init.d

  • Worked, so just left it here for I'm lazy.


PR is on the way...

So, what have I done now?


You start a container with an empty data persistent volume.

Expected behavior

All worked fine.

Actual Behavior

It won't start due to "not-existing, not-initialized, not-correct-owner, not-correct-file-system-permission" data folder.

What's behind?

  • The initial volume is empty without any folder. But pg_ctl initdb need a specific folder structure.
  • OpenVAS scanner MUST init db by itself but it haven't done correctly in the version this dockerfile use.
  • Due to the two errors above, the pgsql server daemon won't start.
  • OpenVAS manager failed to connect to pgsql server. So all died.

My solution (What will I do in PR)

In DockerFile :

  • Add arachni
  • Add missed dependencies such as curl and wget
  • Modify system locale to ensure that the database must encoded in UTF-8 and search engine is in English.
  • Create pgsql config folder /etc/postgres and change the owner to postgres
  • Create pgsql run folder /var/run/postgresql/10-main.pg_stat_tmp and change the owner to postgres

In entrypoint.sh of pgsql:

  • mkdir for correct position while using volume and change the owner to corresponding one.
  • move restart pgsql server to the location before start gvmd and after start openvassd
  • after openvassd, sleep enough time to let it flush the data cache
  • after sleep, do initdb, it will exit automatically without doing anything if db has already been initialized.
  • check if db is ready
  • start gvmd and gsad now and enjoy it.

Still building the image in Docker Hub CI, will test later and give a response.

by the way, have you ever meet this condition?


Thanks for the help!

Did you pull "master" from the repo?

I think that:
All the dependencies should exist, and psql should work out of the box?
The "only" thing that I didn't fix is decouple psql from init.d :)

About the greenbone/gsa#1364 condition. I cant recall that it happened to me before.

Regards Falk

Thank you so much

Closed for lack of input.