
I get the following error when loading the map (which contains GroupLayer). Any help is greatly appreciated!

RitwickVerma opened this issue · 4 comments

As stated, I get the error when I load the map saying
ObjectGroup.cpp:45: virtual void tmx::ObjectGroup::parse(const pugi::xml_node&, tmx::Map*): Assertion 'map' failed.

Here is the structure of my layers:

I get different error when I remove object layers from the group
(First make exec error is when I delete the object layers from the groups (the ones called "thing"). Second error is the one I get If I keep all the object layers in their respective groups)

Also, I get no errors if I remove the groups altogether. Which makes me believe there is some peoblem in importing groups

Hi! This is indeed a bug. I've pushed a potential fix to master, if you'd like to try it out. Thanks!

Wow didn't expect such a quick response!

So I tried it out again and theres what I get

None of the layers in the groups are parsed. The outer object layers ("spawn_points" and "collision") are parsed perfectly though.

No problem! It irks me when I don't have things right ;) I've pushed another commit, hopefully this one will nail it.

Awesome! Everything works perfectly now. Thanks a lot :)