
Error with Android.hpp

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I get the following error when I try to compile with the android NDK:

In file included from E:\max\android_libs\tmxliteOG\tmxlite\src\FreeFuncs.cpp:28:
In file included from E:\max\android_libs\tmxliteOG\tmxlite\include\tmxlite\FreeFuncs.hpp:54:
E:\max\android_libs\tmxliteOG\tmxlite\include\tmxlite\detail\Android.hpp:37:11: error: expected '{'

Which version of the NDK are you using, and which toolchain? I can compile the library for android with NDK-r16b using CLANG 5.0 with LLVM libc++ and g++4.9 with GNU STL with the following flags:

-frtti -std=c++14