
Feature : Create APIs for Coding Problems

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Implement API Routes for Retrieving Problems


Create API routes to fetch coding problems based on different criteria. Users should be able to get all problems, problems by category, and retrieve a specific problem by ID or title.


  1. Get All Problems API:

    • Endpoint: /api/problems
    • HTTP Method: GET
    • Request Template:
      // No request required for fetching all problems
    • Response Template:
          "pid": Number,
          "title": String,
          "level": String,
          "companies": [String],
          // Additional problem details...
        // Additional problems...
    • Guidelines for Contributor:
      • Implement an API endpoint to fetch all coding problems.
      • Ensure that the response includes essential details like problem ID, title, level, and associated companies.
  2. Get Problems by Category API:

    • Endpoint: /api/problems/category/:category
    • HTTP Method: GET
    • Request Template:
      // No request required for fetching problems by category
    • Response Template:
          "pid": Number,
          "title": String,
          "level": String,
          "companies": [String],
          // Additional problem details...
        // Additional problems in the specified category...
    • Guidelines for Contributor:
      • Implement an API endpoint to fetch coding problems based on a specified category.
      • Ensure that the response structure is similar to the "Get All Problems" API.
  3. Get Single Problem API:

    • Endpoint: /api/problems/:idOrTitle
    • HTTP Method: GET
    • Request Template:
      // No request required for fetching a single problem
    • Response Template:
        "pid": Number,
        "title": String,
        "level": String,
        "companies": [String],
        // Additional problem details...
    • Guidelines for Contributor:
      • Implement an API endpoint to fetch a single coding problem based on either the problem ID or title.
      • Ensure that the response includes essential details like problem ID, title, level, and associated companies.

Additional Notes:

  • Include proper error handling for cases where problems are not found or when there are issues with the database.
  • Test the new API routes thoroughly, considering different use cases.
  • Update the project's API documentation to include details about the newly added routes.

Reference Links:

Pls assign it to me

@VaibhavGagneja Assigned this to you !
Do write test if you can using Mocha+Chai

@VaibhavGagneja Assigned this to you !
Do write test if you can using Mocha+Chai

Okay thanks

@fallen-ecstasy pls review this, the folder structure, conventions etc https://github.com/VaibhavGagneja/NovaCode-Server/tree/feature/issue-8/create-apis-for-coding-problem
tasks :- apis created , mongoose auto increment changed to mongoose-plugin-autoinc (was causing errors).

Create a PR, then it will much easier to review.

Create a PR, then it will much easier to review.

Created PR pls check