
Work with laravel

hugofabricio opened this issue · 7 comments

How to work with laravel, i define script but not work.

Can you show me the repro or error messages?

no error message displays took a console.log and it returns the object normally.

Its possible check in url: http://rpnonline.com.br

Thanks. The cause is default url validation. The current definition is

  public filter(el: HTMLAnchorElement): boolean {
    if (typeof el.href !== 'string') return false;
    const dest = new Url(el.href);
    return /^https?:$/.test(dest.protocol)
        && /^$|\.(html?|php)$/.test(dest.file);

This validation rejects /dir pattern urls. So I'll fix it to allow its pattern.

Thanks man :D

Now I unable to release the patched version because travis is broken. You can instantly fix this bug by setting the filter function instead of update.

new Pjax({
  filter: () => true

Fixed, and released now.