
IndexError when trying to train a network with N = 2

ianwilliamson opened this issue · 1 comments

Not sure if I am doing something stupid, but I get the following error when trying to train a mesh of dimension N = 2.

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-64-b9c14e8893da> in <module>
     23 Y_formatted = Y.T
---> 25 losses = neu.InSituAdam(model, neu.CategoricalCrossEntropy, step_size=0.005).fit(X_formatted, Y_formatted, epochs=1000, batch_size=32)
     27 plt.plot(losses)

~/drive/Research/Projects/ONN/neuroptica/neuroptica/ in fit(self, data, labels, epochs, batch_size, show_progress)
    170                 # Compute the backpropagated signals for the model
--> 171                 deltas = self.model.backward_pass(d_loss)
    172                 delta_prev = d_loss  # backprop signal to send in the final layer

~/drive/Research/Projects/ONN/neuroptica/neuroptica/ in backward_pass(self, d_loss)
     59         gradients = {"output": d_loss}
     60         for layer in reversed(self.layers):
---> 61             backprop_signal = layer.backward_pass(backprop_signal)
     62             gradients[layer.__name__] = backprop_signal
     63         return gradients

~/drive/Research/Projects/ONN/neuroptica/neuroptica/ in backward_pass(self, delta)
     50         delta_back = np.zeros((self.input_size, n_samples), dtype=NP_COMPLEX)
     51         for i in range(n_features):
---> 52             delta_back[self.ports[i]] = delta[i]
     53         return delta_back

IndexError: list index out of range

Note that this is low priority to fix, just wanted to post it here to keep track of things.