
The SAEOSS Portal has been proposed as a system of software components functioning together as the national central earth observation geospatial repository, with a view to metadata and open geospatial API standards compliance as well as user impact maximization

Primary LanguageCSS


The SAEOSS Portal has been proposed as a system of software components functioning together as the national central earth observation geospatial repository, with a view to metadata and open geospatial API standards compliance as well as user impact maximization


This project is deployed onto following environment:

  • Testing: TBD
  • Staging: TBD
  • Production: TBD

Quick Installation Guide

This project is a ckan extension, it can be installed standalone. To deploy this project we use docker, so you need to have docker running on the host.

Clone the source cose

git clone git@github.com:kartoza/SAEOSS-Portal.git

Build docker images

cd SAEOSS-Portal/docker

Run and down the project

./compose.py --compose-file docker-compose.yml --compose-file docker-compose.dev.yml up
./compose.py --compose-file docker-compose.yml --compose-file docker-compose.dev.yml down

After running, the project is available on your local host at http://localhost:5000