
Create new Docker images and push to DocherHub

marijanbeg opened this issue · 2 comments

New Docker images should be created for:

  1. Clean OOMMF without DMI extensions
  2. OOMMF with DMI extensions

They are going to be in the same repository on DockerHub and the question is what should be the tags. Maybe joommf/oommf:clean and joommf/oommf:extended (or with_extensions)

Update from discussion today: let's have one main (default) image which includes the extensions.

In Dockerfile we had COPY . oommf/. This can only be used for testing when oommf repository is already cloned to Travis. Because of that, two Dockerfiles are created. One in the top level of repository and another in docker/ directory. The one in docker/ directory we are going to use to build images and push them to DockerHub. Docker image is now updated: