
Support for 3 letter country codes?

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Thanks for this module. Would you have any interest in also supporting the "ISO 3166-1 alpha 3" codes? (The three letter country codes)?

I find multiple modules that can deal with the 2 letter codes, but currently no modules on that appear to be able to convert the 3 letter codes.

Could be, let me think about it. It mostly comes down to finding a nice and open data source for those codes.

Another project on Github added support for 3 letter country codes in the last 3 hours.

They have a "codes.csv" file that converts between 2 and 3 letter codes:

It might also be of interest to mention this project in a "See Also" section, as it appears somewhat related.

Thanks for the interest in this module and sorry for a such late reply.
The idea for this module was to provide access to the data from, and I've decided to keep it that way.

So sorry, no support for other codes.