
Add some warning in when overwriting method onmessage

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first of all, thank you for this great library!

I recently had to dig into the library's code to understand why the property _lastEventIdwas not updated and why lastEventId was not appended to the url as I expected.
I think it would be nice to add some warning in the file for following case :

  • Following code will update eventSource._lastEventId as expected:
const eventSource = new ReconnectingEventSource(...);

eventSource.addEventListener('message', event => {
  • But when method eventSource.onmessage is directly overwritten, the user has to manually update eventSource._lastEventId to reflect what previous code would do automatically:
const eventSource = new ReconnectingEventSource(...);

eventSource.onmessage = event => {
    eventSource._lastEventId = event.lastEventId;

Thank you!