
Cannot buy/sell items from merchants - Cyberpunk Red

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Are you on the latest version of Item Piles?

Have you tried to reset Item Piles' system settings?

Describe the bug
An Assistant GM created a Merchant and no other users can buy or sell items from that merchant. They are able to open the merchant's sheet and the TradeMerchantItemDialog, but the Buy Item/Sell Item buttons don't do anything.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Assistant GM creates a character and changes sheet to an item pile, then merchant.
  2. Populate the merchant with items.
  3. Other user attempts to trade with created merchant.

Expected behavior
When the Assistant GM trades with the merchant, the merchant works as expected and the button adds the item to his inventory and subtracts the correct amount of currency.

The Buy Item does not do anything unless you are the Assistant GM who created the merchant.


  • Foundry Version: Version 11 Stable, Build 308
  • System Version: Cyberpunk RED - CORE v0.88.2
  • Item Piles Version: 2.9.0
  • Browser & version Google Chrome 123.0.6312.107

Active modules:

  • Item Piles
  • libwrapper
  • socketlib
  • various others

Is the GM logged in during the trade?

Yes, he runs the server from his computer so he's always logged in while I'm logged in. But for some reason only I can create merchants now. He can't convert characters into merchants anymore.

Without information about your step by step process to get the errors, screenshots, and/or console logs, I can't really help you with the GM's problem - please provide more information.