
[BUG] Attribute Key "system.bonuses.All-Attacks" doesn't exist in base DnD5e system.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
I'm using Rest Recovery for 5E, and I've selected the option "Enable One D&D Exhaustion." However, the effect it auto-applies uses the attribute key "system.bonuses.All-Attacks", which apparently isn't a base DnD5e key? And no modules which would have that key are included as a needed prerequisite, such as Midi or DAE, which I do not use.

I can fix it by using the four base mwak, rwak, msak, and rsak attribute keys, but that only effects that one actor, and only lasts as long as the effect is present on the actor's sheet. Setting exhaustion to 0 removes the effect, and if exhaustion is inflicted again, any changes are reverted.


  • Foundry Version: [e.g. 10.291]
  • System Version: [e.g. DND5e 2.1.5]
  • Rest Recovery Version: [e.g. 1.4.10]
Haxxer commented

Fixed in 1.4.11