
Suggestion: Mouseover info for monsters in left-column encounter creator

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Would it be possible to give the same mouseover info available when looking up a monsters to the encounter design column on the left?

For example the info below is really useful. Being able to lookup the book and page that a troll is on.
Troll Screenshot 2

But the same info isn't there when you select the troll to put it into an encounter.
So if I save the encounter and go back to it, I can't see the info for which book or page to find the troll monster, I'd have to search for troll again to get into it.
Troll Screenshot 1

Thanks for all the work!

The book in the troll's name opens a dialog, isn't that what you need?

Ahh that is exactly what I need! It looks really similar to the save icon so I thought it was the same.

I guess that's case closed then actually, thanks for that