
Please help discuss: Server shutdown

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I've been tooling a few snippets of c# code that address a few unknown issues. I say unknown due to the lack of experience with some of the following technical questions (that may or may not need to be asked) and the limited documentation available. The questions or solutions to ideas presented below, are also exacerbated by my wondrous imagination - so please help me filter it:

I have created pull request with Ripley that provides a ServerManager object that will handle unloading the application in the "safest" way we can imagine.

The major reason for this pull request, is too attempt at preventing data loss when turning off the server properly. The best way to describe this idea is to tell you the history of it's inception.

During testing of the ACE server application on Linux, there was no way to close the server without pressing ctrl+c, so I needed a way to shutdown gracefully. I first started with just a shutdown command for the console that just exited the application, which seemed insufficient when I was saving data to the database.

Next, I quickly added other control logic that eventually migrated into the WorldManager object. Code in the worldmanager was also sufficient, but I felt that I had added to much code to that specific object, especially when I then noticed that in the future, other objects would need to be turned off properly as well.

Right now I am worried that since Landblocks have their own threading, we must be waiting for all threads too finish execution if want also assume that data will be saved.

To accompany the features of shutting down, the PR I've already created includes the following commands:

Stop the server after the interval set in the Config has Passed:
@stop-server <shutdown text>
Stop the Server immediately:
Cancel an in progress shutdown:
Change the seconds to wait until shutdown:
@change-shutdown-interval <00000-99999>

There is also a config change that adds an additional Configuration json variable called ShutdownInterval that needs to be set to seconds. The maximum seconds allowed is 99999.

When a shutdown has been initiated, the server will provide feedback too alert the players when the servers will be ending operation, IE: Server will shutdown in X seconds, initiated by Admin +Ash @ DateTime. If you include text after the @stop-server command, then the server message will also include the text as a shutdown message "Message from +Ash: Shutting down for Sunday maintenance.".

Feel free to propose a better name then ServerManager, I understand it's a big hammer.

As a conceptual outlook, I see that this feature-set may later be expanded on too also provide monitoring for other Managers:

  1. ServerManager could be used as a controller object to watch that WorldManager has unloaded the players properly, and that the DatabaseManager saves the Landblock Changes to the database at the correct time, after the LandblockManger has finishing save process.
  2. Start each Manager Object, instead of the main loop in ACE.cs.
  3. Restart a world or Pause a server.
  4. Provide a mechanism that will ensure the Managers have all properly stopped.
  5. Change the log4net mechanisms and output.
  6. House the log4net logging object:

private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); is currently in everything that needs to be logged. Without testing performance issues, would a publicly accessible log method in the ServerManager: like maybe "ServerManager.Log(LogName,Log.Level)", too cut down on code and confusion?

  1. Manage the Console Window output, title, and reporting.
  2. Monitor latency to the Database server.
  3. Monitor the ability for the database object to reach the database server, on disconnect it could pause the world until the connection has restored or switch to a backup db server.

I know I am getting ahead of myself by 8 miles with this paragrah, but my development plan to support live testing:

Visual Studio Build-> ssh contents to server-> ssh open screen/tmux/socket and send "@stop-server new development build released, restarting with new build in 5 minutes"-> users get alert of server shutdown-> logs off safely when the server shuts down safely -> a script that is watching if the server crashes will do database migrations for backup-> restart with the latest build -> users can start testing latest changes

Here is the log (now-outdated by a re-base):

  • Added server shutdown command for admins - will be needed in consoles.
  • Added shutdown text, logoff, admin shutdown message
  • Added ShutdownInterval to the ConfigManager Server Section
  • Added ChangeShutdownInterval command, Fixed seconds on shutdown
  • Added @stop-server, @stop-now, @cancel-shutdown
  • Moved Shutdown to a thread in worldmanager
  • Fixed code style and upstream merge
  • Added ShutdownInterval to the example config
  • Added more comments and moved the shutdownInterval to a private accessor to tell the console when it changes
  • Added log4net and moved exit to ServerManager

Possibly add:

  • Direct console command text to the console in a standard format.