
How to run locally?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I've cloned the Travay repository, and also cloned and run the Colony hackathon starter kit - https://github.com/JoinColony/hackathonStarter - which started ganache/trufflepig, etc.

Following the instructions in the README... I get an error on the final step npm run dev - see attached file (I'm on Mac OS 10.12.6)

If you can give me any pointers on this I'd be grateful... would like to get in a position where I can run the DApp locally and possibly help with the code...

⏤- Actually, maybe a fundamental misunderstanding I have is what the relationship between this repo and the hackathonStarter is - should I install them side-by-side or in the same directory, etc. ? ⏤-



No need to pull both repos separately.

Not at my computer now but basically clone my repo.

Npm install in the root. Then in root run npm run dev. This will stand up the vuejs app

Then cd to the hackathon starter folder and do an npm install - this is just for the colony node

Then read the readme file inside hackathon starter folder to run the colony test node

One issue is that vuejs is running on localhost 3000 and something in colony is trying the port also. And sometimes causes conflicts. And when I tired to locate and change this nothing worked. Though I've only reproduced this issue twice. Not all the time.

Hope this helps!

On my mobile at the moment when at a computer I can help further.

Ok, thanks - I've cleaned up and done a fresh clone from git, but its bailing out on the npm install - looks like its trying to recompile stuff... which version of node.js are you using? (no hurry, probably won't get back on this until next week now)

... [deleted stuff]

node-gyp rebuild

CXX(target) Release/obj.target/pty/src/unix/pty.o
In file included from ../src/unix/pty.cc:20:
In file included from ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:190:
../node_modules/nan/nan_maybe_43_inl.h:88:15: error: no member named 'ForceSet'
in 'v8::Object'
return obj->ForceSet(GetCurrentContext(), key, value, attribs);
~~~ ^

I am using node v9.5.0 and npm 6.1.0

I'm also on a mac

I am having issues with the master branch. Not sure what happened. But I believe I solved the issue. You'll want to do another clone and everything should be back to installing correctly.