
Create an executive summary

Closed this issue · 2 comments

For the judges, create a one pager about the Travay Colony.

Due Saturday June 23, end of day.

@farahbrunache I wrote an executive summary that I may append at the end of the one-pager. (I intended the one pager to be a visual infographic)

Many developing nations such as Haiti lack the infrastructure for providing public services, resulting in a lower quality of life with high unemployment. Travay leverages the power of the community by having citizens earn a steady livelihood by fulfilling good deeds posted by other citizens. Built with the colony JS framework and vue.js, Travay’s progressive web application enables citizens to create a profile to view, select, post, sponsor, and evaluate a job pertaining to a good deed. Citizens receive ether for payment that can be stored in a savings account for long-term jobs and the Travay token which confers reputation. Travay deploys Colony’s smart contracts to codify the terms of agreements for completing work. In doing so, Travay incentivizes citizens to complete good deeds well for higher reputation, and more ether to have greater selection in jobs and influence which posted jobs will better the community. Overall, Travay creates economic mobility by marshaling human capital appropriately via the Ethereum blockchain.

This is great thank you!

I have changed the task to "create an executive summary."

I will copy the above paragraph and include it in the project's readme file. I don't think it is necessary to have it as a separate document.