
Create homepage copy

Closed this issue · 3 comments

@iainbarclay, please create verbiage/language for the homepage of the dApp.

Paste the sections in the comments below or share as a document.

Front-end hosted on Firebase: https://travay-dapp.firebaseapp.com

Due Monday June 18, end of day.

Copy is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UXh7M3BDpPbHXCNof8smZg6haCEmrw6mbG5gKWKV3xw/edit?usp=sharing

I've followed the layout of the current DApp - with the same number of sections and blocks - I don't mind if anyone wants to edit or suggest changes here, this can be a start :)

Thank you. I'll update the website today. And close this ticket once I'm complete. From there we can continue to refine it.