
Create an End User Guide

Closed this issue · 5 comments

@iainbarclay, please create a FAQ/guide to be read by end users so they know how to use the dApp.

How to post a job, pick a job, etc ...

Please share document. And I will add it to the dApp and/or add it a document in the "presentation" folder inside this repo.

Starter on doc here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nL5cLhGgUNGfpRxLss-LOkOJp1raEf_vKu5tPbXzDt0/edit?usp=sharing

Just some questions for now, please feel free to edit and change...

This is a great start! I have started adding to it. But will return later to add more.

Due Tuesday June 19, end of day.

I've done another round on this, very happy to take any edits/suggestions onboard...

@farahbrunache @iainbarclay I made some minor edits to the user guide; also two comments on reputation and dispute system if the work doesn't match to the criteria in Travay