Fairy bonus for Pyramid
stanolacko opened this issue · 2 comments
stanolacko commented
Pyramid with multiple meeples have special exceptions about fairy and her bonuses.
Fairy is associated with all meeples on pyramid.
So in phase 1 on begin of turn if fairy is on pyramid all your meeples get 1 point bonus.
As acrobats are scored in phase 2 as meeple action, fairy bonus for meeple on finished feature is not granted (similar situation scoring abbot on unfinished Monastery building or garden)
So due to this it is not necessary to show fairy next to proper meeple on pyramid it can be on bottom as last one.
farin commented
what is source for this rule
it's odd, because you can say more then one point for fairy at beginning of turn. Which is very strange exception
stanolacko commented