
vim-lastplace conflicts with vim-buffergator

r-learner opened this issue · 3 comments

The recent commit conflicts with vim-buffergator.

Error detected while processing function <SNR>38_lastplace:
line    2:
E16: Invalid range
E16: Invalid range

The conflict was introduced at the commit f1c8989ea6af5ed297d7d622d190a86cc86f7681, the commit 36c4ae38130232134ece7bdd0e844d8034b585ab works.

Maybe I could change the default setting to ignore vim-buffergator list window, but I do not know vim-buffergator list window type or name.

    let g:lastplace_ignore = "gitcommit,gitrebase,svn,hgcommit"
    let g:lastplace_ignore_buftype = "quickfix,nofile,help"

Hi @r-learner thanks for the bug report! Can you give me detailed steps to reproduce this problem? I have the latest version of vim-buffergator installed and it is working for me when I use <leader>b to open the window that lists all open buffers.

@r-learner I was able to reproduce it on a system that is running an older vim than the one I originally tested on. Please let me know if this fix solves your problem. Thanks!

Thank you very much. The commit works well on neovim.
Btw, I am using neovim v0.2.0.