
Add note about `:h last-position-jump`, available out-of-the-box in recent versions of Vim

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Consider adding a note that this plugin isn't needed in Vim 8+ onwards.

:h last-position-jump

One can have this behavior out-of-the-box with the following in ~/.vimrc (see :h skip_defaults_vim):

unlet! skip_defaults_vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim

The magic setting is this part:

  " Put these in an autocmd group, so that you can revert them with:
  " ":augroup vimStartup | au! | augroup END"
  augroup vimStartup

    " When editing a file, always jump to the last known cursor position.
    " Don't do it when the position is invalid, when inside an event handler
    " (happens when dropping a file on gvim) and for a commit message (it's
    " likely a different one than last time).
    autocmd BufReadPost *
      \ if line("'\"") >= 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") && &ft !~# 'commit'
      \ |   exe "normal! g`\""
      \ | endif

  augroup END


I mean, I am sure your plugin does more than that, and I am not advocating for you to delete it. However, it would be nice to warn users that the basic functionality for it ships out-of-the-box with recent versions of vim. It would be even better if the diff parts of this plug-in compared to the status quo were merged upstream - but hey, one step at a time.

Nonetheless, great job in your repository management - This is one of the fewest I found with all issues and pull requests closed.

Thanks for the feedback & compliments!
It would be fantastic if it were up streamed, but currently, vim-lastplace does quite a bit more than the vim-8 behavior.

A few examples where vim-lastplace shines: it handles commit messages correctly (for example, svn), opens folds, and has special handling if you're starting at the end of a file so that you have as much context as possible.

For more information, please check out vim-lastplace the code here - it's quite well commented:
