How to get coco_train_ids.npy?
MaAo opened this issue · 4 comments
I want to train "coco" instead of "coco_precomp", but the file indicated by "":
doesn't contain the coco_train/val/test_ids.npy files and I encountered
No such file or directory: vsepp/data/coco/annotations/coco_train_ids.npy
So where to get these files in order to train "coco"?
Thanks in advance.
And I‘ve not find coco_train_ids.npy in
Can someone help?
The annotation files are included in the data archive located here:
注释文件包含在位于此处的数据存档中: http ://
Sorry to bother you. This download link is invalid. Can you provide it again? Thank you very much!
The link you quoted has an extra space before the colon. This link is working: