
Rounded corners to bottom sheets

fartem opened this issue · 9 comments

Add rounded corners to bottoms sheets.

Hi @fartem may i help you to solve this issue?

Hi @fartem may i help you to solve this issue?

Hi. Yes.

Dear @fartem there are problem in syncing gradle . can you help me ?

Build file '/Informations/project/Git/crypto-tracker/build.gradle' line: 16
Plugin [id: 'io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt', version: '1.2.2'] was not found in any of the following sources:

@alirezanazari I'm updated detekt plugin version to 1.6.0 and tested downloading and build on my PC. You can get changes from the last commit.

Some notes about working with the app:

  1. you can use debug flavor if you cannot have a CoinMarketCap account (flavors changing in Android Studio);
  2. in .travis.yml you can find all Gradle tasks for running all needed checks.

Dear @fartem this issue fixed and i send PR .

i saw problems in theme switching if you want i fixed theme which switching smothely .

Dear @alirezanazari It would be great to fix theme switching

ok . please create new issue and i fix it as soon as possible

@alirezanazari Can you tell me about theme switching problems?

Yes sure
you should use single activity pattern and based on your code you have one fragment and used this pattern , what you need is update preferences and detach/attach your fragment manager and your theme updated at run time without closing activity .