Download and save images for offline use, in react-native.
npm install react-native-preload-images --save
- or -
yarn add react-native-preload-images
This package is dependent on react-native-fetch-blob
for interacting with the file system. Please follow their instructions for linking the native modules if you do not have this package already installed.
import { preloadImages, PreloadedImage } from 'react-native-preload-images'
An array of objects, each with a name and the uri of the image, is required. The names can be anything you like and will be used to display the image with PreloadedImage.
const images = [
{name: 'pic1.png', uri: ''},
{name: 'pic2.png', uri: ''}
Download and save images.
PreloadedImage uses the same props as react-native's Image except the image's name is used instead of a source.
style={{height: 100, width: 100}}