
NameError: name 'urlsend' is not defined

jlinnett-montai opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm getting NameError: name 'urlsend' is not defined when trying to call api.pulls.list. It seems to be the same problem addressed in #140, which was then reverted in #141 with the comment "@jph00 you are right this import was not needed. Sorry for the confusion."

Would anyone be able to expand on this at all — what the problem is, what the solution is, and why the import is not needed?

Screen Shot 2022-07-13 at 11 10 28 AM

jph00 commented

Sure! fastcore.all already contains that symbol in the latest version of fastcore, so you don't need to import it. I've just now updated the requirements on ghapi to require that version of fastcore, so if you upgrade ghapi it should also get you the correct version of fastcore.

jph00 commented