Titel: "Implementiere AutoGen Base Agent"
jalalnet24 opened this issue · 1 comments
Erstelle eine Python-Klasse AutoGenBaseAgent, die von autogen.AssistantAgent und unserer BaseAgent-Klasse erbt. Implementiere die Initialisierung mit name, system_message, und llm_config. Füge Methoden für die Integration von AutoGen-Funktionalitäten mit unseren bestehenden BaseAgent-Methoden hinzu. Stelle sicher, dass die Klasse kompatibel mit dem bestehenden Agentensystem ist und die grundlegenden Logging- und Fehlerbehandlungsfunktionen beibehält.
Dateipfad: mats/backend/app/agents/autogen_base_agent.py
.env-pfad: mats/.env
- AutoGenBaseAgent-Klasse erstellt und erbt von autogen.AssistantAgent und BaseAgent
- Initialisierungsmethode implementiert mit erforderlichen Parametern
- AutoGen-Funktionalitäten integriert
- Kompatibilität mit bestehendem Agentensystem sichergestellt
- Logging- und Fehlerbehandlungsfunktionen beibehalten
Hey there! I think you would have a better chance to have an answer from the dev community by writing your message in English 😉
Here is for reference, the translation of your ticket with ChatGPT-4.0:
Create a Python class AutoGenBaseAgent that inherits from both autogen.AssistantAgent and our BaseAgent class. Implement initialization with name, system_message, and llm_config. Add methods to integrate AutoGen functionalities with our existing BaseAgent methods. Ensure the class is compatible with the existing agent system and retains basic logging and error-handling functionality.
File path: mats/backend/app/agents/autogen_base_agent.py
.env path: mats/.env
Acceptance Criteria:
• AutoGenBaseAgent class is created and inherits from autogen.AssistantAgent and BaseAgent.
• Initialization method is implemented with the required parameters.
• AutoGen functionalities are integrated.
• Compatibility with the existing agent system is ensured.
• Logging and error-handling functionalities are retained._
@jalalnet24 In case the translation is inaccurate feel free to comment or update your initial message.
According to your description it seems more like TODO item than an issue 🤔 Do you have any WIP or maybe a PR linked to this ticket in order to take a look at it?
In case it's more a proposition I think adding more context and clear reasons on why this would be an upgrade of the repo would be more inviting for other developers to start working on your proposition!
Have a great evening 🌇