
Specialize more tier 1 instructions to feed information to tier 2?

Fidget-Spinner opened this issue · 6 comments

Currently, tier 2 optimizations depend on information gathered in tier 1.

Previously, we only added optimizations that made sense for tier 1. It might now be time to consider adding instructions for the sole purpose of gathering more data for tier 2 as well.

For example, UNARY_NOT is not specialized at all. This means every UNARY_NOT complicates optimization opportunities, even though something like not x is almost likely always going to be UNARY_NOT_BOOL.

carljm commented

something like not x is almost likely always going to be UNARY_NOT_BOOL.

As an aside, I'm curious how true this is in practice. Anecdotally I feel like I see plenty of not x on other types of x. I guess the way to find out is to implement the specialization and gather some stats.

(I realize that's just one example for this issue.)

Anecdotal, but we saw a lot of not str and not list and not set in the development of Skybison (and specialized on all of them).

For what it's worth, this specific UNARY_NOT example isn't true anymore. UNARY_NOT and the conditional jumps always expect an exact boolean, which is produced by the TO_BOOL family. This is one of my favorite families: check out gems such as TO_BOOL_BOOL, TO_BOOL_NONE, and TO_BOOL_ALWAYS_TRUE. Lists, integers, and strings are also specialized.

Oh, very nice.

For what it's worth, this specific UNARY_NOT example isn't true anymore. UNARY_NOT and the conditional jumps always expect an exact boolean, which is produced by the TO_BOOL family. This is one of my favorite families: check out gems such as TO_BOOL_BOOL, TO_BOOL_NONE, and TO_BOOL_ALWAYS_TRUE. Lists, integers, and strings are also specialized.

Oh then I guess UNARY_NOT is a pure op then, and need not be specialised. Thanks!