
Interpreter state overview

gvanrossum opened this issue · 6 comments

I've been asked to write up an overview of the interpreter state. Let me start writing it up here; we can transfer it to a .md file in the code tree later.

Definition of Tiers

Tier 1 is the classic Python bytecode interpreter. This includes the specializing adaptive interpreter described in PEP 659 and introduced in Python 3.11.

Tier 2, also known as the micro-instruction ("uop") interpreter, is a new interpreter with a different instruction format. It will be introduced in Python 3.13, and also forms the basis for a JIT using copy-and-patch technology that is likely to be introduced at the same time (but, unlike the Tier 2 interpreter, hasn't landed in the main branch yet).

Tier 2 instruction format

Tier 2 instructions are all the same size; there is no equivalent to EXTENDED_ARG or trailing inline cache entries. Each instruction is a struct with the following fields:

  • int32_t opcode; -- the opcode. Sometimes the same as a Tier 1 opcode, sometimes a separate micro opcode. Tier 2 opcodes are 9 bits (as opposed to Tier 1 opcodes, which fit in 8 bits). By convention, Tier 2 opcode names start with _.
  • int32_t oparg; -- the argument. Usually the same as the Tier 1 oparg after expansion of EXTENDED_ARG prefixes.
  • int64_t operand; -- a second argument, Typically the value of one cache item from the Tier 1 inline cache.

The tier 2 instruction format is also the basis for hypothetical optimization passes.

Frame state

Almost all interpreter state is nominally stored in the frame structure. A pointer to the current frame is held in frame. It contains:

  • local variables (a.k.a. "fast locals")
  • evaluation stack (tacked on the end of the locals)
  • stack pointer (indicates top of evaluation stack)
  • instruction pointer
  • code object, which holds things like the array of instructions, lists of constants and names referenced by certain instructions, the exception handling table, and the table that translates instruction offsets to line numbers
  • return offset, only relevant during calls, telling the interpreter where to return

There are some other fields in the frame structure of less importance; notably frames are linked together in a singly-linked list via the previous pointer, pointing from callee to caller.

Frame state shadowed in locals

A few items above are not kept up to date continuously, but shadowed by C local variables (hopefully kept in registers by the C compiler) in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault():

  • stack_pointer: points just past the top item on the stack (the stack top is stack_pointer[-1]). Loaded from the frame using LOAD_SP(), i.e. stack_pointer = _PyFrame_GetStackPointer(frame). Stored using STORE_SP(), i.e. _PyFrame_SetStackPointer(frame, stack_pointer). Note that the frame stores an integer, stacktop, and that _PyFrame_GetStackPointer() invalidates the latter by overwriting it with -1.
  • next_instr: corresponds at times to frame->instr_ptr. Loaded using LOAD_IP(offset) (i.e., next_instr = frame->instr_ptr + offset). Stored using frame->instr_ptr = next_instr or equivalent.

Thread state and interpreter state

Another important piece of state is the thread state, held in tstate. The current frame pointer, frame, is always equal to tstate->current_frame. The thread state also holds the exception state (tstate->exc_info) and the recursion counters (tstate->c_recursion_remaining and tstate->py_recursion_remaining).

The thread state is also used to access the interpreter state (tstate->interp), which is important since the "eval breaker" flags are stored there (tstate->interp->ceval.eval_brealer, an "atomic" variable), as well as the "PEP 523 function" (tstate->interp->eval_frame). The interpreter state also holds the optimizer state (optimizer and some counters).

Tier 2 considerations

The Tier 2 interpreter uses frame and tstate exactly as the Tier 1 interpreter.

It happens to use stack_pointer the same way as well, but by convention when switching between tiers the stack pointer is stored and reloaded using the STORE_SP() and LOAD_SP() macros (it just so happens that they share the local variable stack_pointer, and the sequence STORE_SP(); LOAD_SP() is effectively a no-op, even preserving the invariant that when the stack pointer is held in stack_pointer, frame->stacktop is invalidated by storing -1 there).

The instruction pointer is handled entirely differently between the tiers. In Tier 1, next_instr is used to decode each instruction, and also used to access inline cache values. Whenever an instruction is decoded, frame->instr_ptr is made to point to the start of the instruction (excluding EXTENDED_ARG prefixes -- the important invariant is that frame->instr_ptr->op.code is the opcode of the current instruction). Simultaneously, next_instr is incremented so that it either points at the next instruction (for simple instructions), or at the first in-line cache entry for the current instruction. In-line cache values are accessed as next_instr[0].cache, next_instr[1].cache, etc. (For cache values larger than 16 bits, helper functions like read_u32() exist.)

However, in Tier 2, there are actually two "instruction pointers": First, there is a pointer to the (current or next) Tier 2 micro-op. This tells the Tier 2 interpreter the location of the next micro-instruction. Separately, the Tier 1 instruction pointer must still be available, because it (or, actually, the corresponding index into the Tier 1 bytecode array) is used for exception handling. It is used by the exception handling table to find the exception handler if an exception occurs, and to report the line and column numbers if a traceback is produced. By convention, these processes use the instruction pointer from frame->instr_ptr, not the contents of the (only roughly corresponding) next_instr variable.

The translation process from Tier 1 bytecode to Tier 2 micro-ops outputs a _SET_IP micro-op at the start of each translated bytecode. This is a special uop that directs the Tier 2 interpreter to store a specific value into frame->instr_ptr. Because this produces a lot of _SET_IP uops, a quick post-processing pass removes _SET_IP uops whose original Tier 1 bytecode cannot produce an exception (e.g., LOAD_FAST or STORE_FAST).

JIT considerations

The copy-and-patch JIT is considered a variant of the Tier 2 interpreter. The frame, stack_pointer and tstate values are treated exactly the same. This means that it also automatically updates frame->instr_ptr the same way whenever it executes a _SET_IP uop. The only difference is that in the JIT world, the array of Tier 2 uops is irrelevant, and there is no Tier 2 instruction pointer. Instead, there is just the hardware CPU's program counter.

There are a few complications that will probably change:

  • For conditional jump instructions, the JIT needs to detect whether the instruction actually jumped. This is currently done through a hack in the JIT instruction template that observes whether the Tier 2 interpreter's "program counter" was changed, and then jumps (using the lucky invariant that in Tier 2 the index of the jump target instruction is always equal to oparg). Instead, we should introduce a macro that in the Tier 2 interpreter that updates the Tier 2 program counter (the Tier 1 program counter will be taken care by an explicit _SET_IP uop at the jump target), whereas in the JIT the macro will just set a flag that is tested by the JIT template. Note that for uops that can't jump, the C compiler will optimize away this flag and its testing (as it does for the current hack).
  • The _SET_IP uop currently uses a helper variable ip_offset which is set to point to the start of the bytecode array whenever the Tier 2 interpreter switches frames (i.e., at the top, and in the _PUSH_FRAME and _POP_FRAME uops). We should get rid of the helper variable and just replace its (few) uses with _PyCode_CODE(_PyFrame_GetCode(frame)).

@brandtbucher, @markshannon, @iritkatriel -- please review. (Note that the "JIT considerations" section came out of a conversation I had with Brandt this afternoon.)

A good start.
Overall I'd like this to document the semantics and relations of the various values first, then describe the representations.
In other words, more like this:

  • Stack
    • Tier 1
    • Tier 2 interpreter
    • JIT
  • ...

than this:

  • Tier 1
    • Stack
    • Instruction pointer
  • Tier 2 interpreter
    • Stack
    • Instruction pointer
  • ...

Instruction formats

The tier 2 instruction format is an implementation detail. We should keep this at a more semantic level. Just say that tier 2 instruction may include an oparg and a large operand.
We might for performance reasons choose to limit oparg to 16 bits, but it doesn't make a difference about how we think of tier 2 instructions.

We probably don't want to be executing the same format as we use for optimization. A large, regular format is great for optimization, but a smaller, irregular format is likely better for execution.

The eval-breaker will probably move to the thread state soon, as part of the work on PEP 703.

The frame also holds a pointer to the current function, globals and builtins. (And "slow" locals, but that's relatively unimportant).
Since these are all accessed through the frame pointer, just lump them in together.

Frame state shadowed in locals

Frame state shadowed in C locals. "locals" has many meanings.

Tier 2 considerations and JIT considerations.

The evaluation stack

Rather than describing operations in terms of stack pointer, I think it better to describe them in terms of the stack itself, and how it is implemented. The canonical, in-memory, representation of the stack is an array of values in the frame, with stacktop defining the depth.

The interpreters share an implementation which uses the same memory but caches the depth (as a pointer) in a C local.
We aren't sure yet exactly how the JIT will implement the stack, but some of the values near the top of the stack will be held in registers.

Instruction pointer

The canonical, in-memory, representation of the instruction pointer is frame->instr_ptr.
Dispatching on frame-instr_ptr would be very inefficient, so in tier 1 we cache the upcoming value of frame->instr_ptr in next_instr.

Tier 2:

  • At runtime we do not need a cache representation of frame->instr_ptr as all stores to frame->instr_ptr are explicit.
  • During optimization, we track the value of frame->instr_ptr, emitting _SET_IP whenever frame->instr_ptr would have been updated.

The tier 2 instruction pointer is strictly internal to the tier 2 interpreter, so isn't visible to any other part of the code.


Unwinding uses exception tables to find the next point at which normal execution can occur, or fail if there are no exception handlers. During unwinding both the stack and the instruction pointer should be in their canonical, in-memory representation.

Jumps in bytecode

The implementation of jumps within a single tier 2 superblock/trace is just that, an implementation. The implementation in the JIT and in the tier 2 interpreter will necessarily be different.
What is in common is that representation in the tier 2 optimizer.

We need the following types of jumps:

  • Conditional branches within the superblock. These must only go forwards and be within the superblock.
  • Terminal exits. These go back to the tier 1 interpreter and cannot be modified
  • Loop end jumps. These go backwards, must be within the superblock, cannot be modified, and can only go to the start of the superblock.
  • Patchable exits. These initially exit to code that tracks whether the exit is hot (presumably with a counter) and can be patched.

Currently, we don't have patchable exits.
Patching exits should be fairly straightforward in the interpreter. It will be more complex in the JIT.

I realize I should have started a PR proposing specific contents for a file from the start; I wrote some free-flowing text and received free-flowing feedback that's hard to turn into a concrete new version of the text. Please review python/cpython#111621 instead.

I'm just going to land that PR once tests pass.

auvipy commented

I have a question in mind. is it possible to use AOT compiler techniques in cPython in future? I am not so well versed in JIT and AOT, just a question from a curious mind.

Our plans for JIT compilation are built almost entirely on in-process runtime profiling data. So AOT compilation isn't really on our roadmap.