
Use two call stacks instead of one.

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There are two common-ish ways to lay out call stacks in programming languages.

  • A single stack, where control and data are interleaved. The archetype language for this is C.
  • Two stacks, where the control is on one stack and the data is on another. The archetype language for this is Forth.

A single stack is by far the most common and is often faster as it only needs a single stack pointer.

So why consider a two stack approach?

Adding a control stack without losing performance


Currently, the interpreter and JIT maintain three pointers in registers:

  • Frame pointer. Points to the base of the current frame
  • Stack pointer. Points to the top of the evaluation stack
  • Thread pointer. Points to the current thread state.

We can add a control stack pointer without using another register with a memory layout trick.
By placing the control stack at the end of the thread state, and ensuring that the thread state is aligned on a power of two boundary,
the thread pointer can be found by zeroing the low bits of the control stack pointer.

tstate = control_pointer & ALIGNMENT_MASK

Calls and returns.

To make a call, VM needs to fill in all the fields of a new _PyInterpreterFrame.
That will mostly not change, except:

  • There will be no need for the previous pointer, as the control stack is a contiguous array.
  • The control stack entry will need a copy of the frame pointer
  • The recursion limit check can be made cheaper. Taking advantage of the memory alignment of the thread state,
    the current recursion depth can be calculated without any memory reads and no writes are required to maintain it.

Overall we save 1 write for calls and a read and a write for returns.

The control stack

The simplest control stack entry is:

struct ControlFrame {
    PyObject **frame_pointer; /* Contains the frame pointer for the frame */

Adding the code object to the control stack makes life easier for profilers, especially out of process profilers, but slows
down entry into generators a tad as the code pointer will need to be copied.

struct ControlFrame {
    PyObject **frame_pointer; /* Contains the frame pointer for the frame */
    PyCodeObject *code; /* The code object for the currently executing function or generator */

Another possibility is to move all the control data onto the control stack. Having nothing but (possibly NULL) object references on the data stack should help simplify the code, and simple code is often faster code. Although, it is extra copying when entering a generator.

struct ControlFrame {
    PyObject **frame_pointer; /* Contains the frame pointer for the frame */
    PyCodeObject *code; /* The code object for the currently executing function or generator */
    _Py_CODEUNIT *instr_ptr; /* Instruction currently executing (or about to begin) */
    int stacktop;  /* Offset of TOS from localsplus  */
    uint16_t return_offset;  /* Only relevant during a function call */

Note: I'm ignoring the C stack in the above discussion. If you want to consider that as well, then we are moving from two to three stacks.

Could we look at other VMs to see what they do? (Even if it's unspecified, what does the implementation do?) What does the JVM do? Or v8? Or, perhaps WASM?

This what I was suggesting in #657. But I guess I didn't do a good job explaining it, also had no alignment tricks there.

Note, the two call stack approach is critical to getting true function inlining deopts working without breaking C profilers. I need a way to reconstruct the stack without inconsistency in VM state. If we can get this to work without perf loss on tier 1, it would be ideal.

The easiest layout for reconstruction would be anything outside of localsplus in the control stack, including f_globals and friends. While the data stack should purely be operand stack entries (localsplus and stack).