
no schema with key or ref

Jesbjerg opened this issue · 3 comments


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💥 Regression Report

Anchors are not supported in attribute $id whenever the schema has an anyof. In my case a union type from Typebox.

"@sinclair/typebox": "^0.24.20",
"fastify": "^4.3.0"

export const Response = Type.Object({
test: Type.Union([Type.Boolean(), Type.String()])
}, {
$id: "urn:test#response", // fails
// $id: "urn:test", // ok
description: "Schema for test",
additionalProperties: false

Error on response: "statusCode": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "no schema with key or ref "urn:test:test:test:test:test#response#/properties/test/anyOf/0""

Steps to Reproduce

The referred issue contains both a project and minimal code snippet reproducing the error.

Expected Behavior

Expect fast-json-stringify to parse the JSON correctly, as the # is allowed for ajv in $id

Thanks for reporting! Would you like to send a Pull Request to address this issue? Remember to add unit tests.

@Jesbjerg Thanks for your report. The part of the reference that starts from the # is used to define the JSON pointer (path inside the JSON schema). You shouldn't use # in your $id properties. I think this is a similar discussion fastify/fastify#3965.

You see this issue in the oneOf/anyOf case because this is one of the cases when we get the schema by schema $id.

If you see the reason why this should be supported or have a link to the specification where it is supported, please share. I can not know something, but even if we would like to support the # symbol in the $id, it seems unclear to me how we would split schema id from JSON pointer then.

@ivan-tymoshenko I don't know if we have a good reason for having written our schemas like this, or if changing it has major implications. If it is non-standard to put # into $id's - maybe we should go look for an alternative approach. I want to check with my colleague tomorrow. Thanks for the quick response.