
the user property remains occupied by the type when userProperty is changed

kravetsone opened this issue · 3 comments


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The user property remains occupied by the type PassportUser when userProperty is changed

import { Authenticator } from "@fastify/passport";
const fastifyPassport = new Authenticator({
    userProperty: "authUser",
const userGroup = await Group.findOne({
    where: {
          name: req.user?.group,



Steps to Reproduce

import { Authenticator } from "@fastify/passport";
const fastifyPassport = new Authenticator({
    userProperty: "authUser",
const userGroup = await Group.findOne({
    where: {
          name: req.user?.group,

Expected Behavior

The property user should not have remained a busy type for further use

Sadly the way that TypeScript works makes this really hard for us to adjust dynamically when you use a different property. TypeScript would need Fastify to use a factory function or something similar to return a dynamic type for the server based on the options provided to the plugin, but fastify doesn't work like that (for good reason, its a bunch of extra syntax and noise). So, the types are just wrong when you use a different property, sorry :( I think you may need to use a custom type declaration that merges in your own types to fastify like this:

declare module "fastify" {
  interface FastifyRequest {
    user: <your desired type>,
    otherProp: User // from fastify-passport

or use patch-package or similar to change the types this library adds to your project. Sorry about this -- totally awkward.

... or similar to change the types this library adds to your project.

I changed key in the file ./node_modules/@fastify/passport/dist/type-extensions.d.ts on line 16

    user?: PassportUser;


    authUser?: PassportUser;

and it worked for me. Thanks!

As user property is optional can I make it required without patch-package? Even after overriding FastifyRequest interface it still can be undefined.