
TS2314: Generic type 'FastifyInstance ' requires 5 type argument(s).

gustawdaniel opened this issue · 4 comments


  • I have written a descriptive issue title
  • I have searched existing issues to ensure the bug has not already been reported

Fastify version


Plugin version


Node.js version


Operating system


Operating system version (i.e. 20.04, 11.3, 10)

fedora 37


When I am installing this library by require there is no problem, but when I am using import than I see warnings in typescript

TS2314: Generic type 'FastifyInstance ' requires 5 type argument(s).

and my rest routes are treated as incompatible.

Steps to Reproduce

adding this code

'use strict'

const fastify = require('fastify')()
fastify.register(async function (fastify) {
  fastify.get('/', { websocket: true }, (connection /* SocketStream */, req /* FastifyRequest */) => {
    connection.socket.on('message', message => {
      // message.toString() === 'hi from client'
      connection.socket.send('hi from server')

fastify.listen({ port: 3000 }, err => {
  if (err) {

and changing require to import with having pure http endpoints defined ealier

Expected Behavior

I expect to not see typescript errors or rather see warning about incompatibility during installation.

You are using the wrong version.
7.x is used for fastify@4.x.
5.x is used for fastify@3.x

I am reopen this issue because we forgot to update the supported fastify version.


Lines 193 to 196 in b863495

module.exports = fp(fastifyWebsocket, {
fastify: '>= 3.11.0',
name: '@fastify/websocket'

I am confirming, update to fastify@4.x fixed problem.

Would you like to send a Pull Request to bump the minimum Fastify version?