
Invalid xcodebuild command execution on Xcode Bots CI

Antondomashnev opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, thanks for the plugin, I've just tried to integrate it with my project and using the Xcode Bots CI + @buildasaur, and the danger trigger failed with the following log:

Skipping file blacklisting as no ignore file was found at path
xcodebuild -list -workspace ios-merchant.xcworkspace�
xcodebuild clean -showBuildSettings -workspace ios-merchant.xcworkspace -scheme AFNetworking�

As I can see here it's trying to build the AFNetworking scheme although in the dangerfile I specified to build another one:
   scheme: 'ios-merchant-staging',
   workspace: 'ios-merchant.xcworkspace',
   minimum_coverage_percentage: 50

@nakiostudio any idea? 😄

Hi @Antondomashnev 👋

I'm really sorry for the delay in my response, for some reason I wasn't subscribed to the notifications for this repository. It's probably not helpful for you now but I would say that the problem is that the scheme ios-merchant-staging is not marked as shared.

The xcodebuild command you see is not building the scheme but fetching the build settings.

Thanks for reporting 👍

@nakiostudio hey, thanks for the reply 👍
Apparently, it was shared, so do you think there could be any other reason?

I think xcodebuild couldn't find the scheme ios-merchant-staging and therefore the selection was defaulted to the first option available, in this case AFNetworking. Why the scheme couldn't be found it's hard to guess without the project settings :(

@nakiostudio ok, I've started using slather and it worked, but I will try to try xcov once again and if the problem persists I will share the build settings 😉
Thanks for you help, anyway.